Frequently Asked Questions

  • blubookpro is a platform where tutors can create courses and students can enroll in them. Tutors can upload study materials, assignments, tests, and quizzes to their courses. Students can access these materials and submit their assignments, tests, and quizzes within the time provided by the tutor. Quizzes are auto-marked on submission, but structured questions require the tutor to mark them manually.

    We understand that every student has unique learning needs, which is why we offer a wide range of courses and instructors to choose from. blubookpro is easy to use and provides a safe and secure environment for students to learn and grow.

  • Both instructors and students can create an account on our platform.
  • To create an account as an instructor, simply click on the "Create" button on the homepage, you'll be redirected to login page where you have to click "New Here" and select the "Instructor" option. Then, enter your information and create a profile.
  • To list a course, you need to first register by clicking "Create" button, you'll be redirected to login page where you have to click "New Here" and select the "Instructor" option. Then, enter your information and create a profile, and you'll be redirected to fill in your course details.

    If you have registered already, login and simply click on the "Create Your Course" button on your instructor dashboard. Then, enter the course details, such as the title, description, and prerequisites. You can also upload any relevant course materials.

  • If you can't find a course that you're looking for, you can request it by clicking on the "Add New Announcement" button on your dashboard. Then, enter the course details and any other relevant information.
  • There are a few ways to find students for your courses. First, you can promote your courses on social media, in online forums, and on other websites. You can also contact schools and universities to see if they are interested in offering your courses to their students.
  • We offer a variety of tutoring sessions, including one-on-one sessions, group sessions, and online sessions. Every instructor have their own way of tutoring, you can find when you click to view the course.
  • To enroll in a course, simply click on the "Enroll" button on the course page. You will then be asked to create an account or sign in to your existing account. Once you are logged in, you will be able to complete the enrollment process.
  • Once you are enrolled in a course, you can access your course materials by clicking on the "lessons" tab on the course page. While you're there you can access exercises and topics associated with that lesson.
  • Just hit the 'Comments' section of the course and share your message there.
  • Our platform offers a variety of benefits for both instructors and students. For instructors, our platform makes it easy to list courses and connect with students. For students, our platform offers a wide variety of courses to choose from and the flexibility to learn at their own pace.
  • Well, emails us via this link. You're encouraged to keep your question/s short and precise. [Kana nechiShona ndinonzwa.]